The Start of Year 5

The start of year 5 has been really good with everything in it including house, aps etc and I want to share it with you. Let’s go back in time. Enjoy 🙂

In math we have been learning about powers decimal by decimal division and multiplication mixed number by mixed number division and multiplication, powers and indices a lot you might expect from a top school. I’ve picked most of it up at a fast rate. We’ve also been learning a lot about strategy’s that help with productivity such a lattice (the classes favourite), algorithms and the box, all of them work only with whole a decimal numbers, not fractions.

Our teacher is probably the most eligible for priminister or Australia because he is practically the king of all teachers. I can’t imagine life before 2019. He’s all a ten or eleven year old dreams for a teacher. He’s funny, caring, good at what he’s working as (a teacher) and I haven’t even got to the part that he is sometimes on TV. 5B is like heaven on the ground of earth (who knows heaven could already be on earth).

Our sport programs are amazing in the fact there fun, aren’t a waste of time and actually get you tired rather in some schools, they don’t have what we have. We have Rock climbing, bike Ed and swimming in term 1 and in term 2 we have more choise on which sport rather than rotation around all which for some people is worse than have 1 or 2 primary sports.

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